Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Cánh diều - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Part 4

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh 6 Sách Cánh diều - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Part 4

  1. Everyday English An audio guide to a place Asking for and giving directions Nick is listening to an audio guide Listen and read the conversations. to Hoi An. Listen and fill the blanks. Work in pairs. Make similar Look at the map below and create an conversations to ask for and audio guide for District 1 of Ho Chi give directions to places near Minh City. your school. Now present your audio guide to your class.
  2. Everyday English Asking for and giving directions
  3. Listen and read the conversations. A: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the cinema, please? B: Go along this street. It’s on your left. A: Excuse me. Where’s the nearest post office, please? B: Go out of the station. Take the first turning on the right.
  4. Work in pairs. Make similar conversations to ask for and give directions to places near your school.
  5. An audio guide to a place
  6. Nick is listening to an audio guide to Hoi An. Listen and fill the blanks. Let’s start our tour in Hoi An. We are in Tran Phu Street now. First, go to Ong Pagoda. To get there, go (1) straight along the street for five minutes. It’s on your left. Next, go to the Museum of Sa Huynh Culture. Take the (2) second turning on your left. Turn (3) right and it’s on your right. Finally, go to Hoa Nhap Workshop to buy some presents. Turn left and then right. It’s (4) next to Tan Ky House.
  7. Look at the map below and create an audio guide for District 1 of Ho Chi Minh City. Remember to: - give directions to at least three different places; - use first, then, after that and finally to link your directions.
  8. Let’s start our tour in Ho Chi Minh City. We are in Hai Ba Trung street now. First, go to
  9. Now present your audio guide to your class.