Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My home - Period 9: Getting started - Phan Thị Thu Hương

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 2: My home - Period 9: Getting started - Phan Thị Thu Hương

  1. BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO QUỸ LAWRENCE S.TING Cuộc thi quốc gia Thiết kế bài giảng e- Learning lần thứ 4 Bài giảng: Unit 2: MY HOME Period 9. Getting started Môn: Tiếng Anh - Lớp 6 Giáo viên: Phan Thị Thu Hương Email: phanthithuhuong.c2huongson@vinhphuc.edu.vn Điện thoại di động: 0974253674 Trường THCS Hương Sơn Xã Hương Sơn, Huyện Bình Xuyên, Tỉnh Vĩnh Phúc Giấy phép bài dự thi: CC-BY hoặc CC-BY-SA Tháng 10/2016
  2. Unit 2: MY HOME Period 9. Getting started 1.Vocabulary: Use lexical items related to the topic “My Home”. 2.Grammar: Use prepositions of place to describe houses, rooms Aims: and furniture correctly and appropriately. 3.Skills: practice listening and reading skill for specific information. Self video
  3. The structure of the lesson: I. Vocabulary Exercise 1: Match the words with the pictures. II. Listen and read. Exercise 1: Which family members does Mi talk about? Exercise 2: Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. III. Grammar: Prepositions of place Exercise 1: Look at the picture and fill in each blank with the correct preposition. Exercise 2: Look at the picture and write True or False Exercise 3: Look at the picture again and choose the correct answer. *Consolidation: Choose the correct answer IV. Remember:
  4. Unit 2: MY HOME Period 9. Getting started I. Vocabulary 1. behind (pre): ở phía sau 2. in front of (pre): ở phía trước 3. next to (pre): ở cạnh 4. between (pre): ở giữa 5. under (pre): ở dưới 6. bathroom (n): phòng tắm 7. living room(n): phòng khách 8. kitchen(n): phòng bếp Picture from textbook and the Internet: google.com
  5. Listen and repeat behind in front of next to between under bathroom living room kitchen Pictures from textbook and the Internet
  6. Match the words with the pictures . . E. . C in A. . E on B next to F. . B. . F behind A under G. . C. . H in front of G between H. . D. . D living room YourYouYouIncorrect Correctanswer: did must not answer answerClickClick anywhere the this question question oror The correctYou answered answer is:this correctly! Submit Clear presspressbefore ControlControlcompletely continuing YY toto continuecontinuePictures from textbook- English 6
  7. Quiz Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information Will Appear Here Continue Review Quiz
  8. Unit 2: MY HOME Period 9. Getting started II. Listen and read This is Nick This is Mi MiMiMi:: NickIYes,: liveI live: weinAre with a are. theretown my My house.manyfather, aunt rooms livesmotherIt’s near near in and yourthe there youngercity new and centre I brother.can and NickMiTheyMi:: :Yes, Yes,are Oh, Ipen can.therethat’s friends.They He are.my looks mum.There’sNick happy.: AreI’dare a better you?livingtalking go.room, on It’s SKYPE threedinner time. Nickit’splayNickWe veryapartment?: I with arelive: Ha noisy. movingmyin ha a cousin,, countryHowhe tois. aboutan YourVy house. apartment. roomyou? Who looks next do nice you month. too.live with?Where Bye,bedrooms,NickMi see: :Wow. Yes. you a I’mThat kitchensoon. in room the and living looks two room. sobathrooms. big, Can Nick. you The I seecan kitchen mysee is do Where you live, do Miyou? live? nextdogthere’s to Luke? the a living TV He’s behind room. sitting you. on the sofa. Pictures from textbook
  9. Exercise1. Choose the correct options to answer the question below. Which family members does Mi talk about? A) Dad, mum and brother B) grandparents C) aunt and cousin D) sister You did not answer this question Correct - Click anywhere or YourYouIncorrect answer:answeredcompletely - Click Thethis anywhere correctly!correct answer or is: Youpress must Control answer Y the to continuequestion pressbefore Control continuing Y to continue Submit Clear
  10. Exercise 2:Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences below. 1.There is in Nick's living room. 2.Now, Mi lives in . 3.Luke likes sitting on . 4.Mi thinks living in the city centre is 5.Mi's new house has bedrooms. TheYourYouIncorrectYou correctdidanswer:Correct must not - Clickanswer answeranswer - Click anywhere is: anywherethisthe question or or Submit Clear You answered this correctly! presspress Controlbefore completelyControl Ycontinuing to Y continue to continue
  11. Checking understanding the conversation Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information Will Appear Here Continue Review Quiz
  12. Unit 2: MY HOME Period 9. Getting started III. Grammar: Prepositions of place: Used to describe houses, rooms and furniture The lamp is on the table. The cat is under the chair. The chairs are in the living room. The books aren’t next to the school bag. The dog is on the chair. The boy is next to the armchair.
  13. Exercise 1:Complete the sentences below by filling in the blanks with a correct preposition of place. 1.The dog is the bowl. 2.The cat is the computer. 3.The cat is the wardrobe. 4.The dog the kennel. 5.The cat is the lamp and the sofa. 6.The dog is the table. Incorrect - Click anywhere or YourThe correctanswer:YouYouCorrect did answermust not - answeranswer Click is: anywhere thisthe questionquestion or Submit Clear Youpress answered Control Ythis to correctly!continue pressbefore Controlcompletely continuing Y to continue
  14. Exercise 2: Look at the picture and select True or False for each sentence. 1.The school bag is under the table. A) True B) False YourThe correct answer:IncorrectCorrect answer - - Click Click is: anywhere anywhere oror YouYou did must not answeranswer thethis question question Submit Clear Youpress answered Control Ythis to continuecorrectly! beforecompletely continuing Picture from textbook
  15. 2.The picture is between the clocks. A) True B) False TheYouYourYouCorrectIncorrect didcorrect mustanswer: not -answer Clickanswer-answer Click anywhere theanywhere thisis: question question or or Submit Clear You answered this correctly! presspressbefore Control Controlcompletely continuing Y Y to to continue continue Picture from textbook
  16. 3.The cat is in front of the computer. A) True B) False TheYourYouYouIncorrectCorrect correct did answer:must not - answer answer-Clickanswer Click anywhere anywhere the is:this question question or or You answered this correctly! presspressbefore ControlControlcompletely continuing YY toto continuecontinue Submit Clear Picture from textbook
  17. 4.The cap is under the pillow. A) True B) False TheYourYouYouIncorrectCorrect correct didmustanswer: not - answer-Click answerClickanswer anywhere anywhere the is:this question question or or Submit Clear You answered this correctly! presspress before ControlControlcompletely continuing YY toto continuecontinue Picture from textbook
  18. 5.The pictures are on the wall. A) True B) False You must answer the question TheYour correct answer:IncorrectCorrectYou answer did - - not ClickClick is: answer anywhereanywhere this question oror You answeredbefore continuing this correctly! Submit Clear presspress ControlControlcompletely YY toto continuecontinue Picture from textbook
  19. 6.The dog is behind the bed. A) True B) False Submit Clear TheYourIncorrect correct answer: answer - Click is:anywhere or YouCorrect didYouYou not must- answeredClick answer answer anywhere this this the question correctly! questionor presspress ControlControlcompletelybefore YY to tocontinuing continuecontinue Picture from textbook
  20. Exercise 3: Look at the picture again and choose the correct answer . 1.Where are the books? They are A) on the desk and the bookshelf B) on the floor C) on the computer YourTheCorrect answer: correct - Click answer anywhere is: or YouIncorrectYouYou did must notanswered - Clickanswer answer anywhere thisthe this correctly!question question or Submit Clear presspress Control beforeControlcompletely continuingY Y to to continue continue Picture from textbook
  21. 2.Where are the clothes? They are A) on the bed B) on the floor C) under the table Submit Clear TheYourIncorrectCorrect correctYou Youanswer: mustdid- - answerClick Click not answer anywhere answeranywhere is: the this question oror question Youpress answered Controlbefore thisYcompletely tocontinuing correctly! continue Picture from textbook
  22. 3.Where is the mouse? It is A) on the bed B) on the table C) behind the bookshelf Submit Clear Incorrect - Click anywhere or TheYour correctYou answer:You Correctdid must answernot answer answer- Click is: theanywhere this question question or Youpresspress answeredbefore ControlControlcompletely continuing this YY toto correctly! continuecontinue Picture from textbook
  23. 4.Is the pillow on the bed? A) Yes, it is. B) No, it isn't. Submit Clear TheYour Youcorrect Youanswer:IncorrectCorrect did must answernot - answer- Click answerClick is: anywhere anywhere the this question question oror You answered this correctly! pressbefore Controlcompletely continuing Y to continue Picture from textbook
  24. 5.Are the notebooks under the bed? A) Yes, they are. B) No, they aren't. They're on the bed. IncorrectYourTheYouYou Correctanswer correct mustdid - Click not :- answer Clickanswer anywhereanswer anywhere the is: this orquestion pressquestion or You answered this correctly! pressControlbefore Control Ycompletely to continuing continue Y to continue Submit Clear Picture from textbook
  25. Checking how to use the prepositions of place Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information Will Appear Here Continue Review Quiz
  26. CONSOLIDATION Choose the correct option to make complete sentence. 1.Mi lives in A) a town house B) a country house. Submit Clear TheYour correct answer: answer is:You did not answer this question CorrectYou answered - ClickYouIncorrect anywhere mustthis correctly! -answer Click or anywhere the question or press Controlpress Y tobefore Controlcontinuecompletely continuing Y to continue
  27. 2.Who does Mi live with? Mi lives with . A) Her parents and younger brother. B) Her uncle and aunt. Your answer: Submit Clear Incorrect - Click anywhere or press The correctCorrectYouYou did answeredanswermust - notClick answeranswer is:anywhere this correctly! thethis question questionor press ControlbeforeControlcompletely Y continuingto Y tocontinue continue
  28. 3.There are bedrooms in Mi’s new apartment? A) two B) three The correctIncorrectCorrect answer - -Click Click is: anywhere anywhere or or Submit Clear YourYouYou answer:You didmust answered not answer answer this the thiscorrectly! question question presspressbefore Control Controlcompletely continuing Y Y to to continue continue
  29. 4.The girl is A) under the table B) behind the table YourTheYou answer:CorrectYou correctdid mustnot - answeranswerClick Incorrectanswer anywhere is:this the - questionClick question or anywhere or You answered this correctly! Submit Clear press Controlbeforecompletelypress Ycontinuing to Control continue Y to continue Picture from the Internet
  30. 5.The books are A) on the table B) next to the table YourYouTheYouIncorrectCorrect didcorrectanswer: must not - answer- answerClick answerClick anywhere anywhere the thisis: question question oror You answered this correctly! pressbefore Controlcompletely continuing Y to continue Submit Clear Picture from the Internet: google.com
  31. Consolidation Your Score {score} Max Score {max-score} Number of Quiz {total-attempts} Attempts Question Feedback/Review Information Will Appear Here Continue Review Quiz
  32. IV.REMEMBER Self video
  33. Reference - Textbook English 6 - Teacher’s book - Pictures from textbook and the Internet Google.com.vn - Videos: I did it by myself - Softwares: Adobe Presenter 10; Total Video Converter, ImindMap 4.0 - Powerpoint 2010