Thuyết minh Bài giảng E-learning Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world - Lesson 4: Communication - Vũ Thị Thúy

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Nội dung text: Thuyết minh Bài giảng E-learning Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world - Lesson 4: Communication - Vũ Thị Thúy

  1. BỘ GÍAO DỤC ĐÀO TẠO QUỸ LAWRENCE S.TING Cuộc thi quốc gia Thiết kế bài giảng e- Learning lần thứ 4 THUYẾT MINH Bài giảng: UNIT 5- NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 4: Communication p.53 NEW ENGLISH 6 Giáo viên: Vũ Thị Thúy Email: Điện thoại: 0983 477 570 TRƯỜNG THCS AN HÒA Địa chỉ: HUYỆN TAM DƯƠNG- TỈNH VĨNH PHÚC CC-BY- SA Tháng 10/ 2016 1
  2. THUYẾT MINH BÀI GIẢNG: NEW ENGLISH 6 UNIT 5: NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD Lesson 4: Communication p.53 I. Phần mềm sử dụng trong bài học: Bài giảng được thiết kế và biên soạn bằng: + Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 + Adobe presenter 10.0, đáp ứng chuẩn HTML5. + Chương trình xử lý ảnh: Adobe Photoshop + Chương trình xử lý video: Camtasia Studio 8 II. Các tư liệu trích dẫn tham khảo + Các đoạn thu âm, ghi hình do giáo viên thực hiện. + Tư liệu ảnh, video từ internet. + Sách giáo khoa tiếng anh 6 mới- Bộ Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo + for more information III- Objectives 1. Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, Students will be able to: read a brochure for tourist information, talk about and give travel advice - Vocabularies: tent, torch, sun hat, waterproof coat, map, mobile phone - Structures: must is as obligation; mustn’t is as prohibition Must/ mustn’t + V bare infinitive 2. Skills: All four skills and pay attention to develop the reading skill. 3. Education: Educate SS to study hard and be honest, have knowledge to preserve, improve and protect the natural wonders of the world. IV- Teaching aids E-learning V- Procedure Slide 1: front page 2
  3. Slide 2: Teacher’s introduction Slide 3: Objectives Slide 4: Contents 3
  4. Stages Proceduces 1. Warm up - Let students watch the video clip of the new 7 wonders of the world. - Through it, student can finish the exercise about new 7 wonders of the world by student’s interaction on her/ his computer. Teacher sets the scene of this lesson to help students have the 4
  5. Stages Proceduces way to study the lesson better. 2. Presentation * Vocabulary: - Teacher introduces some extra new words and explain them by pictures - Ask students read after teacher and remember the stress and function of each vocabulary. - Check students’ understanding by matching. ( Students can finish this exercise by interaction on their computers) When students finish it, they can click submit, their computers will give marks for them automatically. * Grammar: Teacher guides the ways of using must and mustn’t by pictures and structures and then give the note about the use and form of must and mustn’t. - Teacher gives the form table of 5
  6. Stages Proceduces must and mustn’t in order to help students remember it better and more clearly. - In order to help students understand about must and mustn’t more clearly and better, students can do exercise with five sentences named “ choose the best answer A, B, C or D” by students’ interaction on their computers. When students finish all sentences they click the submit, the computers will give marks automatically. 6
  7. Stages Proceduces 3. Practice Before reading the text. + Teacher sets the scene by pictures and video clip of the Himalayas. Teacher elicits them 7
  8. Stages Proceduces more clearly to help students pay attention to the pictures and video clip and have a little knowledge about the following text. So students can understand the content of the text more clearly and better. + And then student can look and think five sentences” T/ F statements” - Teacher introduces the text “Globetrotter travel guides” and lets students read the text. - After reading the text, students can do again five sentences T/ F statements by their interaction 8
  9. Stages Proceduces on their computers. Students can finish each sentence and then the following slide will explain why to choose it. When students finish five sentences, their computers will give marks automatically. 9
  10. Stages Proceduces 10
  11. Stages Proceduces 11
  12. Stages Proceduces Teacher asks students look at the table “Travel guides” and elicits for students to decide whether the objects are useful for going to the Himalayas by making some questions: -Must we take a compass to the Himalayas? Why? - Must we take a mobile phone? Why? - Ask student to remind the text and do exercises: Exercise 1 “Fill must or mustn’t in the blank correctly.” When students fill all sentences, they can click submit, their computers will give marks for them automatically. - After reading the text students can finish “exercise 2, 3: Choose the best answer” 12
  13. Stages Proceduces Teacher asks students read the text again to remember it more clearly and better. - Let students watch a video of students in class. - Teacher sets the scene the dialogue of Tourist and Tour guide and students can watch the guiding video clip to the Himalayas of two students who role-play being a tour guide and a tourist A: I want to go to the Himalayas B: Ok. I think you must take a waterproof coat . It’s the highest mountain in the world. It’s cold 13
  14. Stages Proceduces and rainy there. A: Yes. Anything else? B: - After watching and listening to the video clip, students can do exercise 4: choose the best answer. Through it, they can make another dialogue about the their trips. - Result for exercises when students finish all. - Teacher elicits for students some places that they can travel, must, and mustn’t bring some things for that trip. In order to help student speak or communicate well and fluently in real life, Students can observe two students who are talking about Tam Dao Mountain- a famous place in Vinh Phuc. 14
  15. Stages Proceduces 4. Production - Teacher gives Mind map for students to help them remember and remind the main content of this lesson. Through it, students can communicate and speak about some preparations for other trips in real life. - Students observer the teacher’s video clip that relates to real life in order to educate students to have a rules and how to protect the environment as well as travel to visit some places all over the world. 15
  16. Stages Proceduces 5. Homework - Teacher guides students how to study at home. + Make 6 sentences with 6 new words. + Make your own list for the trip to the Himalayas. + Do exercises in workbook. Prepare the next lesson- skills 1. - Links to connect this lesson. - Teacher uses the reference to design this lesson. Say good-bye, see you later for students before finishing the lesson, and have a good day. 16