Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started - Lê Thị Thúy Mai

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Nội dung text: Bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 6 - Unit 4: My neighbourhood - Lesson 1: Getting started - Lê Thị Thúy Mai

  1. THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION LAWRENCES. TING FUNDS AND TRAINING THE FOURTH NATIONAL E LEARNING- DESIGN CONTEST ENGLISH 6 UNIT 4: MY NEIGHBOURHOOD Lesson 1: GETTING STARTED Teacher: Le Thi Thuy Mai Gmail: lethuymai75@gmail.com Tell: 0985426652 THAI THINH SECONDARY SCHOOL 131A Thai Thinh street- Dong Da district- Ha Noi city Thai Thinh month 10/ 2016
  2. Objectives By the end of the lesson, students can: - Use lexical items related to the topic “My neighbourhood” - Make suggestions - Ask for and show directions to somewhere
  3. CONTENTS Watch a video and answer the questions 1. Warm up Listen to the tape. 2. Elicit the dialogue Read the conversation. Put the actions in order Grammar and practice 3. Making suggestions Match the places with the pictures 4. Teaching vocabulary Listen, check and repeat the words Practice 5. Asking for and giving directions Match the instructions with the pictures Ask for and giving directions
  4. INSTRUCTIONS • Use mouse to choose your answer and then click the button “Submit” • To listen to the tape, click the sound button. • To see your answer, click “ Review Quiz” • To continue the lesson, click “ Continue”
  5. Watch a video clip and answer: “ What is the video clip about?”
  6. Xem video
  7. What is the video clip about? • A. places in the city • B. city
  8. What does “ neighbourhood” mean? • A. khu dõn cư • B. thành phố
  9. Unit 4: My neighbourhood Period 26: Lesson 1 Getting started
  10. Where are the boys? • A. They are in Ha Noi • B. They are in Hoi An Nick Phong Khang
  11. Are they getting lost? Lost in the old town • A. Yes • B. No “ lost” means unable to find your way, not knowing where you are. You can use it with the verbs “ get” and “be”
  12. 1a, Read and guess the order of the actions 1, The girl gives directions 2, Nick , Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An 3,Nick , Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House 4, Nick , Khang and Phong get lost 5, Phong looks at the map 6, Nick , Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House
  13. Unit 4: My neighbourhood Period 26 Lesson 1: Getting started Lost in the old town
  14. 1a, Read and put the actions in order 1, The girl gives directions 2, Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An 3,Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House 4, Nick, Khang and Phong get lost 5, Phong looks at the map 6, Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House Correct answer 1, Nick, Khang and Phong arrive in Hoi An 2, Phong looks at the map 3, Nick, Khang and Phong decide to go to Tan Ky House 4, Nick, Khang and Phong get lost 5, The girl gives directions 6, Nick, Khang and Phong walk quickly to Tan Ky House
  15. 1b, Making suggestions. *Put the words in the correct order 1. a, we / shall / go / Where / first / ? Where shall we go first? b, to “Chua Cau” / go / let’s / . Let’s go to “Chua Cau” 2. a, we / Shall / go / there / first / ? Shall we go there first? b, sure / Ok, / . Ok, sure 3. a, by bicycle / we / Shall / go / ? Shall we go by bicycle? b, let’s walk / No , /there / . No, let’s walk there
  16. Are these sentences used to make suggestions? • A. Yes • B. No
  17. What’s the form of the verb after “ Shall we .?” and “ Let’s .”? • A. Infinitive with “to” • B. Infinitive without “to”
  18. 2. Making suggestions. •GRAMMAR: Gợi ý, rủ ai đú cựng làm gỡ với mỡnh *) Shall we + V.inf ?: Chỳng ta sẽ chứ? - Ok, sure - No, let’s + V.inf . *) Let’s + V.inf .: Chỳng ta hóy Cue words: 1. listen to music/ Yes Shall we listen to music? Let’s - Ok, sure 2. play football this afternoon/ No/ go to the cinema Shall we play football this afternoon? Let’s - No, let’s go to the cinema
  19. NEW WORDS square (n):/skweə/ quảng trường palace (n): /'pổlis/ cung điện cathedral (n): /kə'θi:drəl/ nhà thờ lớn memorial (n):/mə'mɔ:riəl/ đài tưởng niệm statue (n): /'stổtju:/ tượng đài
  20. 3, Match the place Then listen , check and repeat the words A, statue B, railway station C, memorial D, temple E, square F, cathedral G, art gallery H, palace
  21. Unit 4: My neighbourhood Lesson 1: Getting started 4. Ask and answer questions about your neighbourhood, using cue pictures in Exercise 3. Example: A: Is there a railway station in your neighbourhood? B: Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t. Yes Yes No No
  22. 5, Match the instructions in the box with the pictures DIRECTIONS: Turn left at the traffic lights Go along the street 1 2 Go straight on Go to the end of the road Take the first turning on the left Go past the bus stop Cross the street 3 4 5 6 7
  23. A B 1. Turn left at the traffic lights a. đi thẳng 2. Go along the street b. đi đến cuối đường 3. Go straight on c. rẽ trỏi ở đốn giao thụng 4. Go to the end of the road d. đi dọc theo con phố 5. Take the first turning on the left e. băng qua đường 6. Go past the bus stop f. rẽ trỏi ở phố đàu tiờn 7. Cross the street g. đi qua trạm xe buýt
  24. 6. Game. Listen to the directions and find out the places on the map. Example: A: Go straight. Take the second turning on the left. It’s on your right. B: Is that the art gallery? A: Yes, it is. / No, try again.
  25. 1. Go straight. Take the first turning on the right. It’s on your right. A. Art gallery B. Bank
  26. 2. Go straight. Take the second street on your right. Go along that street . It’s on your left. A. Cafộ’ B. Bus stop
  27. 3. Go straight. Take the first turning on the right. It’s on your left. A. Park B. Bank
  28. 4. Go to the end of the street. It’s on your left. A. Bus stop B. Railway station
  29. 5. Go straight. Turn left at the traffic lights. It’s on your left. A. Art gallery B. Temple
  30. Homework: 1. Learn the vocabulary. 2. Learn the structures to make suggestions and to give directions. 3. Do the exercises 2 (page 27) and exercise 1 (page 29). 4. Prepare for A closer Look 1
  31. THANKS • Thank for your attention • Thanks for helping of my school administrators • Thanks for my former colleagues helping me
  32. References • English 6 student book - Vietnam educational publishers • English 6 workbook - Vietnam educational publishers • English 6 teacher book - Vietnam educational publishers • Teach English to young adult learners. A Guider book - Vietnam educational publishers • Video clips on the Internet